Phone: [phone1]

Shipping Confirmation

[ofirstname] [olastname],

This email confirms that your order (or remainder of your order) from STRICTLY USA--American Made Products has been SHIPPED! We ship mostly by USPS and UPS and you will be given any tracking information in a separate email.
PLEASE NOTE: We're not perfect and on certain occasions you will receive this shipping notification after your item has been received. Please disregard if this happens. Thanks.
Depending on shipping method, you should have your order in 2-5 business days

Contact Us if you have any questions about your order.
Strictly USA again thanks you for your purchase and for supporting the US economy, it's manufacturers and their employees.
Enjoy your products and please come shop with us again.
The STRICTLY USA--American Made Products team.

Click here to track your order. [trackingcode]
Thanks for using STRICTLY USA--American Made Products.

Order Information Additional Information

Order number: [invoicenum_prefix][invoicenum]
Order Date: [odate]

Account Info:
Login: [oemail]
Pass: [pass]
Billing Address Payment Information

[ofirstname] [olastname]
[ocity], [ostate] [ozip] [ocountry]

Payment Method

Order Summary

Shipping To: [oshipfirstname] [oshiplastname] [oshipcompany]
[oshipaddress] [oshipaddress2] [oshipcity], [oshipstate] [oshipzip] [oshipcountry]
Shipped Date: [oshippeddate]
Shipping Method
Tracking Number
[itemid] [itemname]
[unitprice] x [numitems]

Subtotal: [osubtotal]
Discount: [totaldiscounts]
Shipping: [oshipcost]
Sales Tax: [otax]
Total: [orderamount]
Discounts / Promotions / Gift Certificates

[promotion_name] - [discount_amount]
Checkout Questions

[question]: [answer]
[question]: [answer]
[question]: [answer]

STRICTLY USA--American Made Products
[address1] [address2] [city], [state] [zip]
Phone: [phone1]