NEW! Rada Cutlery Small/ Large Colander Bundle
50% off retail price- very limited quantities

On sale $12.50
Retail Price:$25.00
Your Savings:$12.50(50%)
Out of Stock
Item Number:B309310


$15.00 for the colander set including 1qt and 5 qt colanders
BRAND NEW--SPECIAL SALE 50% off: For draining a big pot of pasta, rinsing bunches of grapes you brought home from the store, and washing strawberries that still have dirt clinging to them, this big colander is essential. Experts and novices agree: a large colander is an essential kitchen tool and these will fill the bill nicely. BONUS- 100% made in USA with the same Rada quality you've come to expect. We managed to get a special price on these and are gladly passing it on to you.

$15 for colander bundle which includes both small and large colanders.
Compare to same exact Rada Colander set on Amazon...$27.00
And once you've seen their price, come right back here to complete your purchase!

  • PERFECT SIZES: (1) 1-quart capacity and (1) 5-quart capacity colanders. Perfect for a handful of berries or boiled pasta for dinner.
  • DETAILS: These colanders are designed with lots of holes for quick draining and two sturdy handles for easy carrying and convenient hanging storage.
  • SPECIFICATIONS: (1) 1 Quart, Diameter 6", Height 4" and (1) 5 Quart, Diameter 11", Height 5 1/2"
  • PRODUCT CARE: Dishwasher Safe
  • MADE IN THE USA – Rada Mfg. Co. is located in Waverly, Iowa and has been manufacturing cutlery, kitchen utensils, cookware, and more in the USA since 1948. Our mission is all about “providing our customers the best value of kitchen knives for their dollar.”

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