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Hello Friends and Patriotic Consumers!
We have a bit of ground to cover, so here goes. All good...I promise.
Happy Birthday America!
July 4th has now come and gone and I am pleased to report that people seemed more patriotic than usual and I definitely saw more flags waving from houses than ever before. And folks...even though July 4th is past, we URGE YOU ALL to keep thinking "buy American" and make the conscious decision to buy goods made here in the US. And keep those flags flying! I have my Annin windsock out and about 30 pinwheels in my yard.--it creates a very colorful and patriotic display.
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Strictly USA had a double booth at TCE in late June. The theme of the expo was made in Colorado and promote local businesses and jobs, etc. The idea was fantastic, very timely and badly needed, however attendance was very poor and the 3rd day of the Expo was cancelled altogether. Many factors contributed to the low turnout--too many to analyze here. The good news was that attendees were responsive to the made in America theme and a majority made a purchase. It was good learning experience for Strictly USA anyway.

Strictly USA at The Colorado Experience
LAKEWOOD ON PARADE--Lakewood Co, July 3, 2012:
Several exhibitors recommended this expo for me. We weren't really ready for another expo so soon, but we decided to participate. The theme was Support Our Military which I felt was a good fit and not to mention July 4th angle as well. The cancellation of the fireworks (due to fire dangers) hurt attendance dramatically. However, we got a lot of exposure, people were very supportive and some of them purchased our fine products. The live music was outstanding, they had stilts, good food and everyone seemed to have a blast. I'm great on stilts BTW! A lot of work but well worth it. All following pictures from LOP.
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One of the good things to come out of TCE. Strictly USA was interviewed on Colorado Public Radio on the second day of the expo by station general manager Tom Sheffield. This was my first radio interview ever. LISTEN HERE. Please let me know what you think. It's only a few minutes long. I was very happy with the result. Thanks Tom! You can also go to SU Press Page for this and other press coverage of Strictly USA.
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First a nod to Bison Designs in Longmont, CO who provide Strictly USA with some awesome dog leashes, collars and people belts as well. On Wednesday June 20 I realized I needed some more patriotic looking "Stars" leashes and collars for the upcoming expo. I assumed it would be impossible on such short notice. The collars/ leashes were NOT in stock when I called..however BD actually made the products to order and shipped them out in the same day. I had them in time for Fridays opening day. BISON DESIGNS: You guys rock--really amazing! This quick turnaround is one of the many many benefits of buying products made in America. Compare this with imported products--that same scenario would take 90 days minimum with a Chinese contractor.
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Now on to Polar Bottles based in Boulder, CO. Before the expo, I drove up to Boulder to pick up my order (Boulder AND I saved on shipping!) When I arrived I was told by the sales manager that part of my order was not ready. I was disappointed thinking that I would go home without some important products. Instead I was told to go grab some lunch and come back in two hours so they could make my bottles right there on the spot. I did and they did. I was amazed and totally stoked. Thank you Polar Bottle. Again, this scenario would not be possible with imported goods.
Disappointing June 2012 jobs report and stubborn 8.2% unemployment? No surprise here especially if you're a job seeker (I am, as I mentioned previously). Now we have the current and the wannabe pointing fingers and at the same time scratching their heads and coming up with NO solution, except spending more taxpayer money on quick fixes, stimulus schemes and the very old/ tired bridges/ roads construction thing. I, Alex H. Nedleman, president and founder of Strictly USA am NOT a politician, but I have the answer right here...BUY AMERICAN now and always and we'll have plenty of meaningful, well paying jobs to go around. ITS EASY, IT WORKS AND IT DOESN'T COST THE TAXPAYERS A DIME!!!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! AND AS USUAL KEEP BUYING USA!!! Please keep your comments and emails coming. Your feedback/ suggestions are appreciated.